Saturday, June 13, 2009

Time For Another War

Oh no!!! The "quite long" semester break is almost coming to an end. After finishing the long and tedious mid term examination, I spent most of the semester break at home, idling my time away. Now, I am feeling regret or guilty for not utilizing the time properly. I should have made some preparation for the next challenging semester. What to do? Eight days have already gone and left one only. Recalling the mid year exams, I can say that they are really doing their job well in torturing people. None of them fails to cudgel my brain and get on my nerves. All the lecturers have made tough examinations so that we can accustomed ourselves to the real TEE exams. Well, another semester is approaching and another war is looming. It is time now to gear myself for the "exam-oriented" life.

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